“I have never felt so profoundly altered and left in gratitude. The practices and leadership offered have truly redefined my understanding and vision for both what is possible and how I can act as an agent of the healing and change necessary to survive and be well in these times.”
“Fierce Allies work has helped me : 1) develop a keen awareness of my body and use somatic data to make different decisions about what I say or do; 2) support safer and deeper dialogue; and 3) develop a more sophisticated understanding of the relationship between vulnerability and power.”
“As a result of this work, my entire team has a healthier relationship with fear. It has become more of a data point and less of a driver of reactive behaviors and decisions.”
“Thanks to Fierce Allies, I now have a deep understanding of: how my body gives me wisdom, if I’m listening; how to articulate my intuition to my team; and how to see patterns of urgency. My leadership has evolved so much over the course of the few months I have been engaged in this work. It’s been continuously teaching me how to create time and space when the volume/noise/demand gets high. This is an invaluable set of skills!”
“The more organizations and individuals that utilize Fierce Allies practices, the easier it is to work across broad divides of power and privilege and invent new futures. Who knows more about survival in difficult circumstances than indigenous communities? And yet we struggle to leverage their wisdom in our societal response to climate change. I think these tools could make that kind of partnership possible.”
“This work can help the entire sector to stop being so reactive, which cheats us of our most strategic thinking in the fight against inequity. Fierce Allies supports the ability for all of us to engage generatively rather than from a place of deficiency.”
“This work is for people who know they have faults and understand that transforming themselves is the main tool for transforming the world.”
“This is when the rubber meets the road, where actual change happens. It is not comfortable and it is the most important thing I’ve ever been privileged enough to do.”
“Fierce Allies has been one of the absolute most transformative, positive personal and professional growth experiences of my life, and a long-time prayer answered. I now feel empowered to welcome fear, discomfort, shame, and rage, not as problematic, but as powerful access points into the work of healing across divides of power and privilege. This work is some of the most important medicine for our times, a profound gift to me, my ancestors, and the ones yet to come.”
“The way dignity, rage, shame, humility, and embodiment are woven into the practices, is empowering! It gives our bodies, minds, hearts and souls the sensibilities and skills to process, access, and work through the emotions resulting from a white supremacist society.”
“The Fierce Allies practices are invaluable tools in creating a dynamic and resourced space for deep inquiry into systems of oppression, allowing participants to cultivate dignity as they learn to work skillfully with their shame and rage.”
“I know of no more important work than this for dismantling white supremacy, patriarchy, cis-gendered hegemony, and heteronormative dominance and moving towards a bright future of right relations, reparations, and authentic freedom for all.”
“My gratitude is infinite– as a black-latinx person who has been traumatized by unprepared majority white spaces, this work allows for me to enter such spaces with power, dignity, wisdom, compassion, skills, creativity, and light”
“My capacity to love this world and my own belonging to it has expanded exponentially as a result of my experience with Fierce Allies”