The following collaborators and clients are active leaders in the FA Community of Practice:
Adelaja Simon
Adrienne Kimball
Alexandra Quinn
Health Leads, CEO
Alison Cohen
Amber McZeal, MA
Andrew Kang Bartlett
Presbyterian Hunger Associate for National Hunger Concerns
April Avilés, EdD
Aryeh Shell
Brenda Ruiz
Brianna Bellamy
The Healing and Reconciliation Institute, Founding Director
Bridget Dobrowski
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders, Managing Director
brontë velez
Lead to Life, Creative Director, IG: @littlenows
Caitlin Salemi
Carla M. Pérez
Healing Clinic Collective, Founder, Core Member, Lead Coordinator
Charity Maybury
Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, Director, Youth Programs
Colin Mutchler
Change.org Foundation, Senior Product Manager, IG: @activefree
Damon Francis
Alameda Health System Homeless Services, Medical Director
Daniela Koenig
Darcy Ottey
Youth Passageways, Co-Founder and Co-Director
Dave Hage
Weaving Earth Center for Relational Education, Co-Founder & Lead Facilitator
Deborah Cohan
Foundation for Embodied Medicine, Director
Elizabeth Lindner
ServiceNow, Lead, Early In Career Programs
Elizabeth Reynoso
Living Cities, Associate Director
Ellen Morrison
Soul Studios, equity coach and facilitator
Elyse Wood
Emelia Martinez Brumbaugh
Erica Reilly
Ernesto Pepito
Parks Conservancy, Youth Leadership, Associate Director
Estrellx Supernova
Ethan Kerr
Embodied Equity Project, Racial Equity Facilitator & Coach
Eveline S. Chang
Gabriella Zhuang
Geneva Toland
Writer, Fierce Allies Apprentice
Gerardo Omar Marin
Kin Roots Consulting & Facilitation
Héctor Trinidad Plascencia
Plascencia Consulting Inc., Executive Director
Helen Wong
India Harville
Embraced Body, Founder
James Amutabi Haines
jazmín calderón torres
Lead to Life, Producer, IG: @soulsoilsol
Jenni Peskin
Facilitator, http://www.jennipeskin.com/
Jodi Lasseter
NC Climate Justice Collective, Co-Founder and Co-Director
Julian Mocine-McQueen
Julius Rodriguez
Seattle Colleges, Instructional Designer
Karla Monterroso
Brava Leaders, Founder and Managing Partner, IG: @karlitaliliana
Katrin Welch
Radicalized Mental Health Counselor
Katy Dion
Kemarah Sika
Lauren Dalberth Hage
Weaving Earth Center for Relational Education, Co-Founder & Executive Director
Laurie Egan
Coastal Watershed Council, Executive Director
Lia McIntosh
Social Impact, Philanthropy, and Education Leader
Marisela Esparza
Mary Carl
Health Leads, Executive Director, California
Michael R Dimock
Roots of Change, President. Flipping the Table Podcast, Host
Mikhaila Fendor
Niki Jagpal
Equity in the Center, Sr. VP of Research and Strategy
Nithya Ramanathan
Nexleaf Analytics, CEO & Co-Founder
Paul Kivel
Pinar Ateş Sinopoulos-Lloyd
Queer Nature, Co-founder, https://www.queerquechua.com/
Peter Erwin
Rachel Bryant, MA
Healing Clinic Collective, Core Member
Ramon Gabrieloff-Parish
Rob Hope
ReWork the Bay, Director
Rochelle Younan-Montgomery
Founder and CEO, The Reset
Ronja Ver
Rosa Esperanza Gonzales
Facilitating Power, Founder
Sam Edmondson
Weaving Earth Center for Relational Education, Associate Director
Sarah Shanley Hope
The Solutions Project, Managing Director, Narrative and Capacity Building
Sasha Wright
Selma Abinader
Abinader Group, Founder
Seneca Beth Miller
Sharon Shay Sloan
Independent Consultant, https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharon-shay-sloan/
Vanessa Castillo
Bay Area Discovery Museum, Associate Director of Membership and Visitor Services
Will Scott
Weaving Earth Center for Relational Education, Co-Founder & Lead Facilitator