Over the years, leaders and facilitators from various fields have engaged FA coaching services to go beyond the typical DEI frameworks and boldly pursue more radical equity and justice outcomes.
With fiercely compassionate support, FA coaches guide you through a series of humbling inquiries into your own relationship to power and privilege, positioning you to be an embodied, resourced, accountable, resilient, and sustainable leader and facilitator.
Coaching introduces you to Foundational Fierce Allies tools and/or practices that result in:

Cultivate a deep sense of self-awareness, calm, courage, and creativity in the face of fear, difficulty, and adversity;
Slow down, assessing charged situations, pursuing safety, and preventing harmful acting out; Navigating difference with curiosity, grace, and humility;
Access a broader menu of responses that embody power-sharing and mutual accountability; Setting, honoring, and rewarding boundaries and limits;
Communicate in ways where passion and emotions are valued and translate into deep understanding and meaningful change;
Bring emotional-social intelligence and sophisticated analysis to the ever changing power dynamics at play in relationships.
Learn to disrupt abuse, oppression, and white-heteronormative-cis gendered-christian-capitalist dominance that:
Create false expectations of safety;
Place power back in the hands of the oppressor;
Excuse privileged folks from leaning into the discomfort necessary for change; and
Prevent frontline leaders from claiming power and authority.
As your ability to map and equitably navigate the landscape of power increases, you become more skillful at speaking truth to those who hold power over you and holding yourself accountable to the needs and perspectives of those you hold power over. These practices and sensibilities organically infuse into your organization, transforming the top-down culture, and collectively ensuring that those with less power can safely give feedback, effectively protect what they love, and make their greatest contribution.