Fierce Allies is a relationship-based approach to change. The FA Consulting & Training services facilitate the development of a Community of Practice where members intentionally alchemize and learn from dynamic interactions, risk-taking, and mistakes.
In order to set a winnable course of action, we first Consult – mapping your team’s landscape of goals, needs, resources, opportunities, trust, and power. We then develop a customized plan, drawing on a combination of Coaching, Advanced Facilitator Training & Curriculum, and Consulting services.
The suite of services selected create a catalytic learning environment, within which teams develop greater emotional-social-somatic intelligence, and a capacity to disrupt institutional and systemic power abuse, oppression, and white-heteronormative-cis gendered-christian-capitalist dominance.
Working with Fierce Allies will strengthen your team’s capacity to:
The FA approach is based on the following assumptions:
Strong relationships are the best insurance for pioneering endeavors
The better the quality of trust within relationships, the more stable and dynamic the environment is for change and innovation
The first thing affected when operating with urgency is the quality of relationships.