Fierce Allies’ work occurs on the stolen land of Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island. The resources that make our work possible are directly and/or indirectly by-products of labor and resources forcibly extracted from Black and Brown bodies across the globe, including Mother Earth. May we honor and learn from their resilience. May we dedicate our work here, today and everyday, to be in service to decolonization as well as to the healing, relationship repair, and sovereignty of all life harmed by colonial projects around the world.
Fierce Allies is a network of JEDI stewards embodying and catalyzing the Fierce Allies Practice of Change towards JEDI 2.0: Justice, Equity, Decolonization & Intersectionality.
Together, we creatively integrate the fields of: power analysis, equitable decision making, Transformative Justice, emotional-social-somatic intelligence, personal-social-ancestral trauma healing, eco-pedagogy, and experiential & Popular Education.
Through engaged practice, participants:
The Fierce Allies Practice of Change supports participants in developing a capacity for fiercely honest dialogue with the “other side.”
Together, people with privilege engage in the struggle of equity and justice from positions other than shame, blame, and hero, as oppressed people reclaim the power and responsibility for their own liberation.